Welcome to the Official website of the House of Kamakahelei.
The Kingdom of Hawaii was founded by King Kamehameha I in 1795 after unifying the individual Kingdoms of the Hawaiian Islands. Then in 1893 the throne was vacated after a coup d'état against Queen Lydia Liliʻuokalani, who was the last sovereign of Hawai’i.
Today there remain descendants of the pre-unification Royal Houses and prominent among them are the House of Kawananakoa and the House of Kamakahelei.
H.R.H. Prince Darrick Lane Hoapili Liloa Kamakahelei Baker is the head of the House of Kamakahelei. The House of Kamakehelei is closely related to the former ruling Houses of Kamehameha and Kalakaua and also with the House of Kawananakoa, which is currently headed by Prince Quentin. And as per Hawaiian customs, both Prince Darrick and Prince Quentin are equally positioned to be elected to the Head of the Royal House of Hawaii should the Kingdom be restored.
As Ali'i Nui (or one could say 'head') of the House of Kamakahelei, Prince Darrick considers it his duty to be the protector of the Royal House of Hawai'i, actively preserving its legacy and authenticity by maintaining its rich traditions and culture to the maximum extent possible.
This site will not only introduce you to the Prince and his ancestors but also the history and culture of his beloved home Hawai'i nei.